Sunday, February 28, 2016

Quantico TV program anti Israel bias

post on ArchitectGuy

ABC series riddled with lies about Israel [VIDEO]

by ArchitectGuy
ABC TV’s Quantico Melodrama Demonizes Israel With Falsehoods
by Myron Kaplan
February 24, 2016
Often there's a fine line between a fictional work that takes essentially benign liberties with the truth and one that contains potentially harmful propaganda. ABC's Quanticoseries crosses the line. Thus far in this series that began on Sept. 27, 2015, only one foreign country, Israel, has been defamed. Since inevitably some viewers will grant authenticity to false assertions in a fictional drama if it is slickly produced and staged, what Quantico says matters....ABC feeds viewers an "action-figure" version of unsubstantiated allegations like those from the "Breaking the Silence" group. The melodrama's lone "things that haunt me" character is a Jew mightily conflicted, at once evil and pathetic in a contrived depiction, about his actions "just following orders" Nazi-like in the Israeli Army.

Friday, February 26, 2016

OBAMA WORST PRESIDENT EVER, RADICAL JIHADIST and Hillary/Bern will make it worse

OBAMA WORST PRESIDENT EVER, RADICAL JIHADIST and Hillary/Bern will make it worse

 Race relations lowest level in 20 years. It is on purpose


 Bernie, There’s no such thing as a free lunch. How sanders will destroy America

Bernie advisor says Israel bigger threat than Isis

Donald Trump likes to remind America that he's a master dealmaker.

"I'm going to make the greatest trade deals we've ever made in our country," he proclaims in hisnew radio ads.
But experts say Trump is talking a lot of nonsense on trade. It isn't backed up by the data.
"[Trump] wants to convey as a presidential candidate that any deal that he was not involved with... is by definition an inferior deal because he didn't play a role," says Bernard Baumohl, chief economist at the Economic Outlook Group.
Trump has railed against U.S. trade deals. He's gone as far as suggesting America should slap huge fees -- up to 35% -- on goods coming from Mexico and China.
It's the kind of talk that would likely start a trade war that would likely hurt American jobs and exports, experts warn.
Trump claims U.S. losing with every country on trade
In his new book "Cripple America," Trump is again arguing that America gets hurt by trade.
But experts are poking holes in Trump's key claims:
1. "We're losing all over the world with trade deals. Every country. No matter what country you talk about, you can just pick a name out of a hat, they're beating us in trade," he said during a press conference launching his new book.
Reality check: The U.S. isn't the only major country to have a trade deficit -- France and the United Kingdom also do, for example.
Furthermore, the U.S. has been growing its exports. America now sells triple the goods and services abroad than it did in 1995. That has helped grow businesses and jobs at home.
"American companies are very entrepreneurial and competitive. They are very good at adjusting to circumstances," says Adolfo Laurenti, chief international economist at Mesirow Financial.
us exports
2. "We sit there while we're getting beaten in trade agreements," he says in his new book.
Reality check: The U.S. has done well with countries that it has Free Trade Agreements with -- nations such as Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Israel and Australia.
While the U.S. still has an overall trade deficit with these countries, most of that is because America still imports a lot of energy. That isn't covered in trade deals. It's simply a matter of American needing more oil.
Trade deals typically cover goods and services. America is one of the leaders in providing services. On top of that, the U.S. runs a trade surplus in manufactured goods with Free Trade Agreement countries.
"These agreements are leveling the playing field for American firms," says Robert Lawrence, an expert on international trade at the Harvard Kennedy School.
While it's always possible to say a deal could be better, U.S. exports of products such as cars and airplanes have been gaining in recent years with these deals in place.
US trade balance
3. "Our trade deficit has been a dangerous drag on our economy," Trump says in the new book.
Reality check: The U.S. does run a trade deficit -- meaning America buys more from foreigners than it sells to them. But it has been that way since the 1970s. The U.S. has had many great years of prosperity and growth despite the trade imbalance.
For all the focus on America's trade deficit, imports aren't a bad thing, economists say. The U.S. is getting a lot of cheap goods. That keep costs down for the poor and middle class.
"A trade deficit is much more of an indication of our spending habits than our competitiveness," says Lawrence.
Trump likes to say on the campaign trail that it's "impossible to go on like this any longer" on trade.
But the U.S. economy is in a much stronger position than many of its global peers right now, and exports have held up better than expected despite all of the global headwinds.
"Donald Trump's comments on trade really tend to consist of just platitudes," says Baumohl of the Economic Outlook Group.
How 1000 Rabbis can be stupid and harmful. 3 horrible examples
1 . 400 Rabbis signed a letter supporting Obama’s genocidal Iran deal, despite the chants of “death to Israel” and the promise from their leader “israel will not be here in 25 years”. Daily Iran violates the agreement by buying huge weapon systems and now paying a bounty to terrorists for every dead Jew.
2.       2. About 1000 Rabbis signed a letter supporting worst-ever-US-President Obama’s election

3.       3. Now 1000 Rabbis signed a letter supporting the Democrat’s desire to import 100,000 unvettable Syrian rapefugees, even though a. All our security agencies say we cannot vet them b. 80% are military age males c. 13% admit to supporting isis d. Rapefugees are regularly being arrested for terrorism activities e. 25% current US Muslims admit to supporting violent jihad f. There has been a massive surge of rapes, violent crime, welfare among those rapefugees currently infiltrating Europe g. Isis proudly announces the intention is militant infiltration and conquest by rape h. bizarrely try and equate Jews fleeing Hitler to these fighting rapists i. 65 Muslims countries won’t take any. What do they know we don’t j. Democrats want them solely because 80% vote Democratic when they come here

    4. They'll probably support Hillary despite

Why do they do this? Their loyalty is to the Democratic 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Obama's reckless foreign policy has put Israel in dire jeopardy.

Obama's reckless foreign policy has put Israel in dire jeopardy.
(Hillary or Bernie will be as bad or worse. )
by Pete Hoekstra
Sacramento Bee
February 18, 2016…/obama-reckless-foreig…
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President Barack Obama's foreign policy over the past seven years has undermined Israel's security by heightening threats to its existence.
The perceived alienation of Israel by the U.S. has emboldened Israel's enemies. Administration engagements in the Middle East and Africa have left behind failed states that are hornet nests of extremism and jihadists enlisted by Iran.
Fueled by Iranian resources, regional Islamist organizations are more committed than ever to Israel's destruction. A fraudulent nuclear agreement between Iran and a group of world powers furthered the genocidal ambitions of its radical theocratic leaders against the Jewish people.
Obama's repeated snubs and slights against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signal to Israel's antagonists that American support is less than absolute.
It marks a significant departure from America's once-unwavering commitment that started when the U.S. recognized Israel in 1948. Since then, the Jewish state has stood as a durable, reliable beachhead of Western-style democracy in a very troubled region of the world.
But Obama administration policies already have resulted in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen becoming failed states, and the Sinai Peninsula now contains a strong jihadist element.
And radical Islamists dedicated to the annihilation of Israel have significantly more safe havens to freely traffic in ideology, fighters and weapons that find their way to Israel's borders.
The terrorist hegemon and Iranian proxy Hezbollah, operating just north of Israel, in Lebanon, has trained 150,000 missiles on the Jewish state. Iran funds Hezbollah to the tune of $800 million to $1 billion annually.
Iran's ally in Gaza, the Palestinian Authority, encourages the unyielding knife attacks against Israelis by Palestinians. Fatah, the political party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, recently called for killing all Israelis throughout the country - "in all their neighborhoods" - in a music video broadcast on the Fatah-run Awdah TV channel.
Hamas, which also receives significant support from Iran, continues building tunnels into Israel for smuggling fighters and weapons.
Rather than punish Iran for supporting the forces dedicated to Israel's destruction, the White House gave it everything it was seeking in a nuclear agreement that neither Congress nor the Iranian parliament ever ratified.
The deal immediately released more than $100 billion in assets, which Iran - the world's No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism - will spend on its Islamist terrorist agents. The administration also paid $1.7 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars to settle a decades-old legal claim while Iran refuses to compensate victims in judgments against it for its atrocities.
Iran responded, in direct violation of U.N. resolutions, by test firing intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads to Israel. It called weak new sanctions related to the tests "illegitimate" and accelerated its development of such missiles. Its leaders also never backed down from their intention to wipe Israel off the map.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration has increased spying on Israel, including using the National Security Agency to monitor Netanyahu's private discussions.
The president claimed an incredible victory over fictitious straw men by touting diplomacy over those who would resort "to another war in the Middle East."
Diplomatic dialogue is absolutely necessary in world affairs - especially when backed by a position of strength - but the problem with his argument is that nobody in the West has advocated for war.
If anything, the Iranian agreement steers the region closer to doomsday by legitimizing the Islamic Republic's pursuit of a deployable nuclear weapon.
The administration's apparent lack of support for Israel has also newly energized the boycott, disinvestment and sanctions campaign, which is a cancer destroying support for Israel in the West.
U.S. foreign policy has jeopardized Israel's national, political and economic security more than at any other time in its history. The next administration will need to repair the immeasurable damage after seven years of disdain and recklessness. A new beginning anchored in unyielding support can rebuild the relationship so that it becomes stronger than ever.
Pete Hoekstra is the Senior Shillman Fellow at the Investigative Project on Terrorism and the former chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee. He is the author of "Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya." Readers may write him at IPT, 5505 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Bernie wants free medicine. Vets get it now. It is worse than horrible.

Bernie wants free medicine. Vets get it now. It is worse than horrible. That is what will happen to all of us if governement is totally responsible. Obamacare is bad enough. Doctors are retiring in huge numbers.

. . . The reviews of some of these economists, especially on Mr. Sanders’s health care plans, suggest that Mrs. Clinton could have been too conservative in their debate last week when she said his agenda in total would increase the size of the federal government by 40 percent. That level would surpass any government expansion since the buildup in World War II.
The increase could exceed 50 percent, some experts suggest, based on an analysis by a respected health economist that Mr. Sanders’s single-payer health plan could cost twice what the senator, who represents Vermont, asserts, and on critics’ belief that his economic assumptions are overly optimistic.
And then there’s Jonathan Chait, in NY Magazine:

The centerpiece of Sanders’s domestic agenda is a plan for single-payer health insurance. Sanders claims his plan would immediately produce trillions of dollars in savings through lower health-care costs — not merely bending the cost curve down, as Obamacare has done, but snapping it sharply in the other direction. Kenneth Thorpe, a respected liberal health economist at Emory University, has estimated that Sanders’s plan is “completely implausible.” The Sanders campaign has called Thorpe’s estimates a “complete hatchet job” and, as Sanders’s supporters are wont to do, implied that he is bought and paid for by his corporate masters.
But the trillions of dollars in unspecified savings are not the only magic asterisk in Sanders’s plan. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budgetruns the numbers and finds that, even if you accept Sanders’s assumptions about his savings at face value, his plan would still fall several trillion dollars short of covering its expenses. The analysis also notes that Sanders would have to raise the top marginal tax rate to about 85 percent, which is above the level that economists Peter Diamond and Emmanuel Saez (who strongly support higher taxes on the rich) believe maximizes revenue. That is to say, Sanders would tax the rich at rates so high that even liberal economists suspect they would discourage work and raise less revenue than expected.

Pope says no walls

Imagine Israel without the security fence/wall. Lots more dead Jews.
Countries have no right to have secure borders?
Vatican is walled. Tighest immigration rules in the world.

Pope=hypocrite and foolish

Trump understands peace with Palestinians extremely diificult

However, the construction magnate did express scepticism that any deal could be made and said that if he was able to make a deal, it would have to last to be seen as successful.
“A lot of people say an agreement can’t be made, which is okay. I mean, sometimes agreements can’t be made,” he said. “I was with a very prominent Israeli the other day. He says it’s impossible, because the other side has been trained from the time they’re children to hate Jewish people.”
Trump has spoken of his positive views towards the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before. “I love Israel, and Israel is our real strong supporter. I’m going to Israel, and I’ll be meeting with Bibi Netanyahu, who’s a great guy,” Trump said in December 2015, calling himself “very, very pro-Israel.”
In 2013, at the Israeli leader’s request, Trump appeared in an election ad for Netanyahu. In the commercial, Trump said: “You truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu. There is nobody like him. He is a winner, he is highly respected. He is highly thought of by all. Vote for Benjamin, terrific guy, terrific leader.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

By EVERY MEASURE, Americans and the world have suffered under Obama and Hillary wants to double down on it. .

Obama has been the worst president in US history. By EVERY MEASURE, Americans and the world have suffered and Hillary wants to double down on it. . “For eight years, Barack Obama has imposed failing economic policies on the country, even as he has brilliantly exploited the results for political gain. Democrats produced stagnating wages, rising prices, economic insecurity and failed antipoverty programs—and then somehow blamed the resulting inequality and fear and destitution on conservatives.” 
Who has suffered under Obama? The poor (record poverty), Blacks, women, middle class, the record # given up trying to get jobs, our grandchildren (he doubled all previous accumulated debt), Syrians, Libyans, Yemen, victims of Russian, Iran, Isis,  and Chinese aggression, European rape victims of rapefugees, Israel, mass shootings up 10x .”  Massive spike in business killing regulations. Obamacare costs triple. 50% college grads cannot get full time jobs. Most new jobs are part time or low paying.  Military gutted, smallest Navy and Air Force since WW2 in a very dangerous world.  Economic mobility collapses. Gap widens under Democrats favoring the rich. IRS, EPA, Justice Department all used for political harassment of Obama foes. Obama handcuffs FBI in investigating Islamic terror.  Uses executive actions to subvert Congress and the Constitution. Obamacare premiums rise much faster than wages.
      Releases top terrorists at gitmo out in world to go back to terror vs USA.  Standard of Living declined more steeply since government starting keeping records. Home ownership at lowest level. Foreclosures worse than any time in America. Race relations lowest level in 20 years. It is on purpose. . Releases 10s of thousands of illegal alien felons from jail instead of deporting them, over 100 murderers after they were released. “
     He causes huge uncivility by continuing to disparage opponents. “More than any recent President, he has turned the bully pulpit into a battering ram to smash his opponents. He denounced the Supreme Court in the 2010 State of the Union. He all but called Paul Ryan’s 2011 budget un-American. He played the race card to win re-election in 2012. He doesn’t argue with Republicans; he demeans them” WSJ 1/13/16.

Even liberal economists know Bernie's plans are ridiculous

. . . The reviews of some of these economists, especially on Mr. Sanders’s health care plans, suggest that Mrs. Clinton could have been too conservative in their debate last week when she said his agenda in total would increase the size of the federal government by 40 percent. That level would surpass any government expansion since the buildup in World War II.
The increase could exceed 50 percent, some experts suggest, based on an analysis by a respected health economist that Mr. Sanders’s single-payer health plan could cost twice what the senator, who represents Vermont, asserts, and on critics’ belief that his economic assumptions are overly optimistic.
And then there’s Jonathan Chait, in NY Magazine:

The centerpiece of Sanders’s domestic agenda is a plan for single-payer health insurance. Sanders claims his plan would immediately produce trillions of dollars in savings through lower health-care costs — not merely bending the cost curve down, as Obamacare has done, but snapping it sharply in the other direction. Kenneth Thorpe, a respected liberal health economist at Emory University, has estimated that Sanders’s plan is “completely implausible.” The Sanders campaign has called Thorpe’s estimates a “complete hatchet job” and, as Sanders’s supporters are wont to do, implied that he is bought and paid for by his corporate masters.
But the trillions of dollars in unspecified savings are not the only magic asterisk in Sanders’s plan. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budgetruns the numbers and finds that, even if you accept Sanders’s assumptions about his savings at face value, his plan would still fall several trillion dollars short of covering its expenses. The analysis also notes that Sanders would have to raise the top marginal tax rate to about 85 percent, which is above the level that economists Peter Diamond and Emmanuel Saez (who strongly support higher taxes on the rich) believe maximizes revenue. That is to say, Sanders would tax the rich at rates so high that even liberal economists suspect they would discourage work and raise less revenue than expected.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hillary wins=Obama + other radicals on court for 40 years

The only thing worse than an Obama presidency? Obama on the Supreme Court for 40 years. This radical, jihadist monster voted 3x as Illinois. St. senator to DENY medical care top baby born alive after botched abortion and just let it die. That directly contravenes Jewish law and is murder by neglect. The deal is he blocks Hillary's FBI indictment for treason and when elected, she nominates him. She'd also get the chance to replace Aunt Ruth Ginsburg (not really my aunt) Justice Bryer and anyone else Obama or Hillary have murdered on the right. She can pack the court with an Ainsky radicals for a generation. We'd have gun confiscation ( , no borders, illegals voting, no voter id, no coal, no cigars, no 32 ounce sodas, and a remade society ala Stalinism. Obama has severely weakened America, promoted Islamic jihadism and endangered the free world. Hillary wants to continue that legacy. If you want details on this destruction below: Democrats dangerous, ruining America and the world
1. Caused 2008 recession, blame Bush
2. Under Obama/Hillary, Islamic terrorism skyrockets and spreads to 80 nations, Syria/Yemen/Libya/Iraq splinter and fall into terrorist hands. Not surprising since Obama promotes Islamic jihad, 300 examples. Now want to import an additional 100,000 unvettable, Isis supporting, welfare mooching, shariah supporting rapefugees. IRAN DEAL: most catastrophic , pro Islamic terror deal ever
3. Mass murders increase 10x in USA
4. By EVERY Measure, Americans are WORSE OFF under Obama/Hillary/Dem economic policies:
Housing ownership, # Americans in labor force, middle class wealth, health care costs, wages,
Massive spike in poverty, many more Americans dependent on government, more businesses closing than starting, massive new regulations that kill business, economic mobility shrinks, all previous debt doubled, record deficits, most new jobs low paying or part time
5. Enemies expanding, allies undermined. Israel targeted for abuse and weakening by Obama/Hillary
6. Hypocrites about Supreme Court: Last 80 years tradition no Supreme Court nominees in last year president’s term. When Bush was President, Dem. Senator Schumer argued vociferously vs Bush nominated to fill vacancy
7. Prepared to nominate either; most dangerous, corrupt, lying person, woman abusing ever to run for president: Hillary
OR socialist/communist, Both Israel haters
8. No border security. Massive influx illegal aliens. No deportation of violent criminals who then kill and caused thousands of crimes

2. Obama is a jihadist How Obama midwifed Isis
Hillary led assault on women assaulted by Bill

Israel hater Bernie sanders…/meet-bernie-sanders-israel-hating-
Hillary Clinton 10 reasons why Islamic terrorists want Hillary to be president…/why-islamic-terrori…
Long anti-Israel history…/hillarys-anti-israe

More details
How to tell when Obama and Hillary are LYING? When they start talking.
Obama keeps stating; “by very measure, Americans are better off since I took office”. The TRUTH: it is the opposite. We know he thinks we are all stupid since his chief architect of obamcare admitted they only sold the fiasco of Obamacare based on thinking we are stupid. Obama’s presidency is easily the WORST EVER. Hillary was his chief foreign policy architect and wants to continue Obama’s “successes”.
As we heads into the second recession of his presidency we note first,
1. his failure to intervene left Syria to become what former CIA Director David Petraeus calls “a geopolitical Chernobyl,” spreading chaos throughout the Middle East. It nurtured Islamic State, which has swamped Europe with refugees and is inspiring jihadists in the U.S.
2. On Obama’s watch: The disintegration, growth of terrorism and massive deaths in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen. Taliban control most territory in Afghanistan since 2001. Rise of Isis by creating vacuum in Iraq. Al Quida growing in power. Just pretend fighting vs Isis. Obama calls Isis JV, contained even as they grow to 20 countries and top intelligence say we have never seen anything like this. His support for jihadism. .Obama is a jihadist…/obamaradical-islami……/how-liberalsdemocra… How Obama midwifed Isis…/how-obama-midwifed-…
3. The most serious long-term threat has been the rise of authoritarian powers on Mr. Obama’s watch: Iran, Russia, China. Iran gets $150 billion to finance terror, while they test ICBMs and show off underground missiles. Obama praises them even though they are world’s greatest terrorist nation. Russians return as power brokers in Middle East. China expanding. All our allies feeling betrayed.
4. This twisted man sees the enemies are Tea party, Fox News, Republicans and embraces Iran, Cuba, Chavez etc. He causes huge incivility by continuing to disparage opponents. “More than any recent President, he has turned the bully pulpit into a battering ram to smash his opponents. He denounced the Supreme Court in the 2010 State of the Union. He all but called Paul Ryan’s 2011 budget un-American. He played the race card to win re-election in 2012. He doesn’t argue with Republicans; he demeans them” WSJ 1/13/16
5. No control on our southern border. Massive influx illegal immigrants, including terrorists. Homegrown terror in USA. Obama wants to weaken USA through massive criminal and Islamic immigration…/2/
6. Mass shootings up 10x.
7. Murder rates spike in many cities as police are cowed by “Blacklivesmatter” groups.
8. Record poverty.…/how-democratic-poli…
9. Doubling all previous DEBT. REFUTING his LIE about reducing the deficit.…/refuting-obama-lie-…
10. Massive spike in food stamps.
11. Releases 10s of thousands of illegal alien felons from jail instead of deporting them, over 100 murderers after they were released.
12. More businesses fail than start.
13. Record poor recovery from recession.
14. Massive spike in those who quit looking for jobs.
15. Middle class lost wealth. “For eight years, Barack Obama has imposed failing economic policies on the country, even as he has brilliantly exploited the results for political gain. Democrats produced stagnating wages, rising prices, economic insecurity and failed antipoverty programs—and then somehow blamed the resulting inequality and fear and destitution on conservatives.” Massive spike in business killing regulations.
16. Obamacare costs triple.
17. 50% college grads cannot get full time jobs.
18. Most new jobs are part time or low paying.
19. Military gutted, smallest Navy and Air Force since WW2 in a very dangerous world.
20. Economic mobility collapses. Gap widens under Democrats favoring the rich.
21.IRS, EPA, Justice Department all used for political harassment of Obama foes.
22. Obama handcuffs FBI in investigating Islamic terror.
23. Uses executive actions to subvert Congress and the Constitution.
24, Releases top terrorists at gitmo out in world to go back to terror vs USA. Gitmo detainee, who said he would kill Americans if he was released, has just been freed
25. Standard of Living declined more steeply since government starting keeping records.
26. Home ownership at lowest level. Foreclosures worse than any time in America. Race relations lowest level in 20 years. It is on purpose
27. Obama War on blacks…/obamas-war-on-black…. 28. Faith in government all time low.
29. Betrayed Israel at every chance.
30. Wants to import 100,000 syrian “rapefugees” despite them being unvettable (according to FBI, 80% being male and 20% admit Isis allegiance
31. Obsessed with gun control even though his home city has toughest gun control laws and record gang shootings.
32. His Treason at Benghazi gun running
333. .Fast and Furious scandal giving guns to Mexican drug lords to spike murders here to increase calls for gun control. US border cop killed by those guns.
34. Growth rate of economy paltry 2% annually under Obama. Historic average 3% WSJournal 1/14/16...
35. US more divided than ever since the 60s.
36. Does nothing as world’s oldest Christian communities are wiped out by Muslims.
37. First time big drop in international ranking of economic freedom.
38, Total failure to fix VA scandalous treatment of our veterans.
39. Total failure to enforce gun control laws we have and then unconstitutionally overreach with new executive actions.
40. How many people has Obama had murdered?…/mystery-grows-in-journalists-death-pr…/
41. Destroying private coal industry and now stopped all Federal coal leases. Roughly 40 percent of the coal produced in the United States comes from federal lands.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Antonin Scalia: the Godfather, the Pelican brief, murdered? Dem hypocrisy

Antonin Scalia
What a loss. Huge towering figure. The central conservative voice.


In last 80 years, the Senate has NEVER confirmed a justice that has been confirmed in a lame duck presidential year. Obama of course will try and flout that tradition.

If a Democrat appoints the next justice, our freedoms will disappear.
The  Democrats are all about restricting freedom and imposing their crazy views on everyone.
The 2nd amendment will be destroyed. Gun confiscation is just one example.
Freedom of religion will disappear for political correctness.

The reason is the court was now marginally 5-4 conservative with kennedy as a swing vote. Obama has appointed radical leftists to the court.

Senate hold firm., The 2014 election proves the people want you to stop obama.
Wait until the new president to appoint a new justice. God willing, it will be a republican.

The Godfather, the Pelican Brief, and Scalia’s death and replacement
Even if Dem leaders did not have Scalia killed, they are evil hypocrites about demanding replacement now
Democrats leaders are evil hypocrites about SCOTUS nomination
Obama as Senator filibustered SCOTUS Justice Alito in middle of presidential term, just because he did not like his politics.
Dem.Senator Schumer caught on tape with 18 months to go in Bush's term, saying Senate should not conform any Bush appointee.
Sen. Pat Leahy Dem, when he chaired Judiciary committee, said he would bring no Republican nominations. Today he is arguing opposite: that Repubs must bring the nominations to vote.
Hypocrites all.
Fact is, for 80 years. The tradition is no Scotus appointments in last year of presidential term.
Most talked about candidate for Obama to name: ties to radical Islamic terror

Did Obama have scalia killed?
From the Godfather
Michael: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay Adams: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed.
Michael: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?
The Pelican Brief plot : Two Supreme Court Justices have been killed. Now a college professor, who clerked for one of the two men, who's also having an affair with one of his students, is given a brief by her, that states who probably, wanted to see these two men dead.
No autopsy on Scalia?. Better check between the toes for hypodermic mark This is jihadist Obama we are talking about. Anyone see the Denzel Washington/Julia Roberts movie based on murder of 2 Scotus justices Pelican Brief? Bet Obama did. Anything possible with this tyrant. . 1.The SCOTUS was about to spank Obama once more for ruling by fiat and slap down his renegade EPA.…/
2. Did Obama have Breitbart and Tom Clancy killed?
3. The ranch was owned by big Obama booster…/…
5. US Marshalls normally keep SCOTUS justices safe. They were not present. Obama would have known
6. Bill’s former mistress worried Hillary will have her killed
There are 80 dead acquaintances of Obama who died under mysterious circumstances

Illinois Senate race. The Dem wants to import terror

A vote for Hillary is a vote to get your daughter raped
Hillary did not care when her husband raped and abused women. In fact, she led the campaign to further abuse them. Now she, and all Democrats
want to import 100,000 Muslim rapefugees, on top of the million Muslims Obama has allowed to immigrate. 1. FBI says they are unvettable 2. 25% current USA Muslims support violent jihad. 3 80% Rapefugees are military age men. 4. At least 13% admit to supporting Isis. 5. Isis can now make US Customs foolproof passports.
Our radical Dem candidate for Senator in Illinois, Tammy Duckworth wants to import 200,000 rapefugees. Why? Because 80% Muslims vote democratic. they don't care if your daughter gets raped.
Public spaces are becoming perilous for women and children

The Democrat
Tammy Duckworth  is supporting a plan to raise taxes on you and your families by at least 33%.
She supports importing unvettable 100,000 Syrian rapefugees to USA.

The West is in denial: Rape of “infidels” permeates totality of Islamic culture

by ArchitectGuy
The Muslim Man's Sexual "Rights" Over Non-Muslim Women
by Raymond Ibrahim
February 12, 2016
In word and deed, in Islamic and non-Islamic nations, Muslim men appear to think that non-Muslim women—impure “infidels”—exist solely to gratify their sexual urges. First, consider the beliefs and actions of those committed to waging jihad for the cause of Allah, such as the Islamic State: In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted. He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her. When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion..."He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to” Allah

Islamic=raping infidels

post on ArchitectGuy

The West is in denial: Rape of “infidels” permeates totality of Islamic culture

by ArchitectGuy
The Muslim Man's Sexual "Rights" Over Non-Muslim Women
by Raymond Ibrahim
February 12, 2016
In word and deed, in Islamic and non-Islamic nations, Muslim men appear to think that non-Muslim women—impure “infidels”—exist solely to gratify their sexual urges. First, consider the beliefs and actions of those committed to waging jihad for the cause of Allah, such as the Islamic State: In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted. He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her. When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion..."He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to” Allah

Friday, February 12, 2016

Palestine? You have to be a Jew hater or hopelessly delusional to believe that:

Realities of Israel/Palestine/Middle east
You have to be a Jew hater or hopelessly delusional to believe that:
1. The Palestinians are a real people
2. They will ever settle for an independent state next to a Jewish state
3. Eliminating Israel and creating a 22nd Arab nation will stop Middle East violence and terrorism. It will increase it
4. The BDS goal is to ficx anything other than israel’s demise
5. The Muslim student groups are just students protesting and not organized terrorist fronts
6. Democrats are pro Israel and want Israel to succeeed

If you are Pro BDS, Pro Palestinian, then you are pro Islamic terror. PRO PALESTINIAN=PRO TERROR
1. Even the “moderate” Palestinians are deeply anti-Jews. Since the Palestinian Authority (PA) was established, and continuing throughout 2015, it has systematically used Antisemitism to indoctrinate young and old to hate Israelis and Jews. The PA has actively promoted religious hatred by demonizing Judaism and Jews, spreading libels that present Jews as endangering Palestinians, Arabs, and all humanity
List of terrorism from Palestinians this year
2. “Free Free Palestine”, BDS and “end the occupation”, are about destroying all OF Israel, killing Jews and enhancing terror. Israel pulled out 100% from Gaza in 2005 and instead of peace, got 10,000 missiles.
Israeli Prime Ministers offered sovereignty to the Palestinians and the response was INFATADA, suicide bombings.
3. There is no “OCCUPATION”. IT is Jewish land for 4000 years. Palestinians have existed 60 years. They are a PHONY PEOPLE, made up to weaken Israel.
They should be called FAKEstinians
4. Israelis deal with Islamic terrorists every day. The Phony Palestinians are the same kind of Islamo terrorists as the other 85 groups of Islamic terrorists operating on every continent, including i: Isis, Boko Haram, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah (Iran surrogate in Lebanon), Al-Nusra Quds Force (Iran), Pakistan Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood. How are Palestinian Jew killers any different than any of these 85 Islamic terror groups? See full list of 85
5. USA Muslims: Muslim Student Groups on campuses advocating for Palestinians are organized and funded by Islamo terror groups,
as is CAIR . 25% US Muslims ADMIT supporting violent jihad. 51% shariah.
6. No Arabs anywhere in the Middle East or Africa live with more freedom than 1.5 million Israeli Arab citizens
7. With all the struggles in the Middle East and Muslim world: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Saudi Arabia, 85 Islamic terror groups, millions refugees on the run, it is clear the phony Palestinian terror platform and phony claim has virtually no significance to the world scene.

What else can we expect from a jihadist?
See 285 other examples of Obama’s jihadism
Israel hater Bernie Sanders…/meet-bernie-sanders-israel-hating-…/
Hillary emails shows depth of her hatred of Israel