Friday, January 8, 2016

Our top secret missile accidentally in Cuba? Our top drone accidentally lands in iran?

In today's news: Top secret Hellfire US missile somehow ends up in Cuba and the US can't figure out how it got there or how to get it back.. This was months before Obama opened up talks with Cuba. (1) Also Remember when our top military drone accidentally ended up in iran and Obama declined the opportunity to destroy it before Iran could get it to reverse engineer it? (2) Meanwhile today reports of islamic terrorist refugees in USA conspiring or shooting policeman in USA and raping their way through Europe and Hillary/Obama want to bring in 100,000, on top of the 1.5 million Muslims imported.. (3) Anyone still unsure if Obama and Hillary commit treason? See my 287 examples of Obama's jihadist actions

(1 )
(3) TODAY:
Muslim attacks policeman in Phil y in name of Islam
2 Palestinian refugees arrested in USA for connections to Isis
Stop immigration from Muslim nations now. No more “Syrian refugees”. It is suicide.
There is no such thing as Islamophobia. A phobia is irrational. Fear of Muslims is rational. Failure to fear them is delusional and suicidal.
Anyone still unsure if Obama and Hillary commit treason? See my 287 examples of Obama's jihadist actions

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